Leading a Double Life: Professional vs. Creative Success
It’s easy enough for me to take a something that needs to get done at work, break it down into projects, tasks, meetings to schedule with people, questions to research, and so on. It seems like it’s...
View ArticleMFAs Will Rule the Future
Did you hear? That MFA you slaved over may be more valuable than an MBA. Well, that’s partly the case made in this article by Michael Rosen. Despite the fact the article opens with a mention of Thomas...
View ArticleGet a Job
This is a feature I’ve been meaning to start doing on a regular basis: post compelling job listings relevant to those of us who hold our crinkled, dog-eared, coffee-stained MFAs in our cramped hands....
View ArticleWriting, Practicing, Excelling
Just a brief shout-out to a great web site that I think all post-MFAs should consult regularly: Erika Dreifus’ The Practicing Writer . Through this site and its accompanying blog, Practicing Writing,...
View ArticleLooking for Writing Teacher in Boston
Hi. Is anyone on this blog in the metro Boston area and, if so, do you have an interest in doing any guest lecture or subbing work? This would be for CV experience only (I can’t offer pay). I teach...
View ArticleDon’t Let It Get You Down
One of the reasons I’ve been light on the posts to the site is the old grind. Working for the man has been getting me down, down, down, you might say. That’s why I have to put in a plug for a new book...
View ArticleGetting Back to Business
OK, I almost went the way of every other blog or website done strictly for the love and none of the money. I almost let the damn thing atrophy. Toward the end of 2007, daily life was completely taking...
View ArticleThe Way
Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai by Tsunetomo Yamamoto My review rating: 4 of 5 stars “The proper manner of calligraphy is nothing other than not being careless, but in this way one’s writing will...
View ArticleSurveying the Web Workers Among Us
I’m not sure how applicable this survey is to the AtMFA readership. Still, I find it interesting when anyone tries to take a snapshot of the web industry–particularly the creative side. From the site:...
View ArticleWhy Failing at Nanowrimo Was a Good Thing (For Me)
I attempted to complete the Nanowrimo project twice in the last 8 years. Both of my attempts to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 day have failed. Sure, I had lots of excuses and distractions and I did...
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